Wednesday 23 January 2013

Year 4 Chocolate Competition!

Happy New Year Everyone!
What a busy start to the term we have had in Year 4. 
In the first two weeks we have finished our 'Chocolate' topic by having a competition between 4B and 4F to see who could make the best chocolate selection - judged by some very special and official chocolate experts.
Have a look at our photo's below to see our chocolate making process and how the competition ended...

First we made our chocolates by adding our own ingrediants to melted chocolate:

Then we went to the hall and waited for the judges to arrive:
 Next the judges arrived ...
 ... and began testing the chocolates.
 Finally - the decision was given ...
 4F were the winners!!!
Have a look at our chocolate menu below.


  1. YEAH - 4F won!!!
    from 4F

  2. YEAH! F4 WON!!!
    But if i tasted my chocolate it would've been... Mmm... Chocalete

  3. We loved making the chocolate because it was fun. We liked the
    bit when Mr Robinson, Mrs Kelly and Mrs Richardson tested it.

  4. 4F will always win no matter what no won can take our place were on top of the world who won the world 4f!!!!

  5. I bet my chocolate tasted yum oh and

    YEAH 4F WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I think it was soooo!tasty
