Wednesday 20 March 2013

Y4 Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Information Texts

Today in literacy we have been creating mini information clips about out topic 'Pyramids'. We used the iMovie software on the iPads and then editted them to include sound and sub-headings.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Science - Investigating Sound

In Science we are learning about sound. Today we iexplored a variety of ways of making and changing sound. We then explained how vibration was involved in creating each sound. This is what we found out:

Wednesday 6 March 2013

4F Mummifying Fish

Today 4F also had a go at mummifying fish. See below for our detailed instructions on how to do it:
1) Cut along the fish's body:

2) Pull out the stomach, liver, intestines and lungs:

3) Clean the body with TCP:

4) Stuff the fish with newspaper to help it keep its shape:

5) Cover the fish in salt and leave it for 40 days:

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Mummifying Fish

As part of our topic about Ancient Egypt we have been finding out how Pharaohs were mummified. Today we mummified fish using the same processes and we will now leave them for 40 days to see if they are preserved correctly. We used iPads to record what we did. Have a look!