Thursday, 25 October 2012

More Documentaries

More Documentaries

Here are some more of our documentaries.

Deforestation Documentaries

Last week we planned, researched and created documentaries about deforestation. We worked in groups of 3 and had a number of different roles. These were scribe, presenter, camera, expert and editor. We created a storyboard plan, wrote a script and then filmed the presenter's parts of the documentary. Finally we selected music and photos and edited the videos together. These are our completed documentaries. What do you think?

Thursday, 11 October 2012

London Zoo Trip

 Yesterday all of Year 4 went to London Zoo and we were particularly excited to learn about all of the animals in the rainforest zone. We saw lots of other
interesting creatures too. Here are a few of them.

Which was your favourite animal?

What was your favourite part of the day?

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Rainforest Game

Rachel has found this great rainforest animals and plants game. See if you can place the wildlife in the correct part of the rainforest.

Mr Brunton

Rainforest Song

Ben F has found this great video of the Rainforest Rap and suggested it on our blog. So here it is:

2-D Shapes Game

In Mr Brunton's Maths group we have been learning all about 2-D shapes. We had a quick go on this in our Maths lesson on Tuesday so if you want to try it yourself here is the link. Have fun!

Mr Brunton