Monday, 29 April 2013

New Science Topic!

In Y4 we have begun a new topic about the human body and how it functions. 
Today we started by recapping on want we learnt earlier in the year and making short clips of each of the characteristics of living organisms (MR GRENS) - watch each video and see if you can work out what each clip is representing.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Exploring a Dilemma

This week in literacy we have started to explore stories with issues or dilemmas. We read The Tunnel by Anthony Browne and discussed whether the girl should follow her brother into the tunnel. We created and performed role plays of different outcomes of this dilemma.

At the end of the lesson we made a 'conscience alley' and expressed what we thought the girl should do. Watch our 'conscience alley' in the video above!

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

British Museum Games

As you know we are going to visit the British Museum after the Easter holidays. Here are some great games to help you get to know your way around the museum.