Wednesday, 26 June 2013

4B Edited Play Trailers

In ICT we have been learning to select and edit images to create a sequence for a specific purpose. We have made trailers for the plays that we wrote and performed in Literacy.

  • Planned and captured the images and videos we needed
  • Discussed how we would arrange these images to persuade people to watch our plays
  • Used software to sequence the videos, images, music and titles.
  • Finally we gave feedback on how other groups' trailers met the intended purpose and then used this feedback to make changes.
Here are our final, edited trailers!

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Violin and Cello Concert

Since February we have been learning to play the violin or cello and in July we will be performing at the Royal Festival Hall on the Southbank.

Today we put on a performance for our parents to show what we have learnt so far. Here is one of the pieces we have been learning.


Today we explored adverbs and how to use them to describe actions. We found adverbs in the dictionary and then demonstrated them for short video clips.

Later on Lenny and Jack created this video of our adverbs using Windows Live Movie Maker.

Monday, 17 June 2013

Play Script Performances

Last week we wrote play scripts about 2 children lost in the Tanzanian wilderness. We then performed these plays in the wildlife area using the speech and stage directions in the play scripts. Here are some of our performances.

Friday, 3 May 2013


Everyone had a great time at PGL. Watch the video below to see some of the activities we did!

Monday, 29 April 2013

New Science Topic!

In Y4 we have begun a new topic about the human body and how it functions. 
Today we started by recapping on want we learnt earlier in the year and making short clips of each of the characteristics of living organisms (MR GRENS) - watch each video and see if you can work out what each clip is representing.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Exploring a Dilemma

This week in literacy we have started to explore stories with issues or dilemmas. We read The Tunnel by Anthony Browne and discussed whether the girl should follow her brother into the tunnel. We created and performed role plays of different outcomes of this dilemma.

At the end of the lesson we made a 'conscience alley' and expressed what we thought the girl should do. Watch our 'conscience alley' in the video above!

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

British Museum Games

As you know we are going to visit the British Museum after the Easter holidays. Here are some great games to help you get to know your way around the museum.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Y4 Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Information Texts

Today in literacy we have been creating mini information clips about out topic 'Pyramids'. We used the iMovie software on the iPads and then editted them to include sound and sub-headings.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Science - Investigating Sound

In Science we are learning about sound. Today we iexplored a variety of ways of making and changing sound. We then explained how vibration was involved in creating each sound. This is what we found out:

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

4F Mummifying Fish

Today 4F also had a go at mummifying fish. See below for our detailed instructions on how to do it:
1) Cut along the fish's body:

2) Pull out the stomach, liver, intestines and lungs:

3) Clean the body with TCP:

4) Stuff the fish with newspaper to help it keep its shape:

5) Cover the fish in salt and leave it for 40 days:

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Mummifying Fish

As part of our topic about Ancient Egypt we have been finding out how Pharaohs were mummified. Today we mummified fish using the same processes and we will now leave them for 40 days to see if they are preserved correctly. We used iPads to record what we did. Have a look!

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

In Year 4 we have decided to try teaching literacy a little bit differently...for our latest topic 'Stories with a Historical Setting', the girls and boys are being taught in different groups. The girls are focussing on a story called 'Osiris' and the boys are focussing on a story called 'The Adventures of Sinuhe'. See some of our role plays of the stories below.

Friday, 15 February 2013

Newspaper Reports

This week we used Purple Mash to create newspaper reports about the discovery of 6 year old mummified fruit in our school field. Have a look.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

4B News Reports

This week in Literacy we have been planning and creating news reports on the amazing discovery of 6 year old mummified fruit in our school field.

Watch the videos to find out more.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Ancient Egypt Website

Here is a great website that we have looked at in our topic lessons. Use it to explore Ancient Egypt, look at a timeline of the main events and even make your own mummy.


Last Thursday year 4 went into the field and wildlife area in search of some long lost work. In 2007 some year 4 children at Woodmansterne mummified some fruit as part of their Ancient Egypt topic. When they tried to dig it up a month later it could not be found. We used their original instructions to try to locate and dig up their work. Next we are going to create news reports about what happened.

Did your group find the 'mummies'?
How did you know where to look?
How did you feel?

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Blog Club Blogs

Our blog club blogs are finally available for you to take a look at!

These were designed and created by the children in Blog club last term. They decided what they would like to blog about based on things that they are interested in.

They learnt how to post, upload photographs, add polls and even embed videos using HTML codes!
Take a look by visiting the Blog Club blog (the link is at the top of this page).

All content on the blogs is updated and monitored by the children and their parents, so if you see anything that you think is inappropriate, please let me (Mrs McDonald) know straight away!

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Year 4 Chocolate Competition!

Happy New Year Everyone!
What a busy start to the term we have had in Year 4. 
In the first two weeks we have finished our 'Chocolate' topic by having a competition between 4B and 4F to see who could make the best chocolate selection - judged by some very special and official chocolate experts.
Have a look at our photo's below to see our chocolate making process and how the competition ended...

First we made our chocolates by adding our own ingrediants to melted chocolate:

Then we went to the hall and waited for the judges to arrive:
 Next the judges arrived ...
 ... and began testing the chocolates.
 Finally - the decision was given ...
 4F were the winners!!!
Have a look at our chocolate menu below.